Source code for

"""Router and logic for the restaurant of the Website"""
from typing import Union

import fastapi
from fastapi import Depends
from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.templating import Jinja2Templates

from db.database import get_db
from schemes import scheme_allergie
from schemes import scheme_cuisine
from schemes import scheme_filter
from schemes import scheme_rest
from schemes.scheme_user import User
from services import service_res
from import get_current_user

templates = Jinja2Templates("templates")
router = fastapi.APIRouter()

[docs]@router.get("/findrestaurant", response_class=HTMLResponse) async def findrestaurant( request: Request, rating: int, costs: float, radius: int, lat: str, lng: str, manuell_location: str, cuisine: Union[str, None] = None, allergies: Union[str, None] = None, db_session: Session = Depends(get_db), current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user), ): """Requests user settings and search for restaurant. Args: request (Request): the http request rating (int): the minimal rating costs (float): the minimal costs radius (int): the radius lat (str): the latitude lng (str): the longitude manuell_location(str): manuell location for the search cuisine (Union[str, None], optional): the selected cuisines. Defaults to None. allergies (Union[str, None], optional): the selected allergies. Defaults to None. db_session (Session, optional): the db session. Defaults to Depends(get_db). current_user (User, optional): the current user. Defaults to Depends(get_current_user). Returns: RedirectResponse: redirect to /error... TemplateResponse: the http response """ if lat == "" or lng == "": location = service_res.get_coordinates_from_location(manuell_location) else: location = scheme_rest.LocationBase(lat=lat, lng=lng) # cuisine:str zum Cuisine-Array machen if cuisine is not None: cuisine_list = [scheme_cuisine.PydanticCuisine(name=cuisine) for cuisine in cuisine.split(",")] else: cuisine_list = [scheme_cuisine.PydanticCuisine(name="Restaurant")] allergies_list = allergies if allergies is not None: allergies_list = [scheme_allergie.PydanticAllergies(name=allergie) for allergie in allergies.split(",")] rest_filter = scheme_filter.FilterRest( cuisines=cuisine_list, allergies=allergies_list, rating=rating, costs=costs, radius=radius * 1000, location=location, ) rest_filter_db = scheme_filter.FilterRestDatabase( cuisines=rest_filter.cuisines, allergies=rest_filter.allergies, rating=rest_filter.rating, costs=rest_filter.costs, radius=rest_filter.radius, manuell_location=manuell_location, ) service_res.update_rest_filter(db_session=db_session, filter_updated=rest_filter_db, user=current_user) restaurant = service_res.search_for_restaurant(db_session=db_session, user=current_user, user_f=rest_filter) return templates.TemplateResponse( "restaurant/restaurant_result.html", {"request": request, "restaurant": restaurant} )