"""Connection to the google api"""
from typing import List
import httpx
from schemes.exceptions import GoogleApiException
from schemes.scheme_filter import FilterRest
from schemes.scheme_rest import Restaurant
from tools.config import settings
from tools.my_logging import logger
# TODO: Asynchrone Funktionen
# TODO: Asynchrone API Anfragen
[docs]def search_restaurant(res_filter: FilterRest) -> List[Restaurant]:
"""Search all restaurants for a specific cuisin in a specific location
res_filter (schemes.scheme_filter.FilterRest): Filter for the API
GoogleApiException: If something with the httpx went wrong
List[schemes.scheme_rest.Restaurant]: List of all Restaurants from the google api
restaurants = []
for cuisine in res_filter.cuisines:
params: dict = {
"keyword": cuisine.name,
"location": f"{res_filter.location.lat},{res_filter.location.lng}",
"opennow": True,
"radius": res_filter.radius,
"maxprice": res_filter.costs,
"type": "restaurant",
"language": "de",
except httpx.HTTPError as error:
raise GoogleApiException("Can't communicate with the Google API") from error
return restaurants
[docs]def nearby_search(params: dict, next_page_token: str = None) -> List[Restaurant]:
"""Specific google api request to search near a location for restaurants
params (dict): See all available params
-> https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/search-nearby#optional-parameters
next_page_token (str, optional): For recursion if the result got more than 20 results you have to search with
the next_page_token. Defaults to None.
List[schemes.scheme_rest.Restaurant]: List of all found restaurants
url: str = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json"
params["pagetoken"] = next_page_token
params["key"] = settings.GOOGLE_API_KEY
response = httpx.get(url, params=params)
logger.debug("Response status: %s", response.status_code)
logger.debug("Request url: %s", response.url)
resp_obj = response.json()
restaurants = [Restaurant.parse_obj(restaurant) for restaurant in resp_obj.get("results")]
if resp_obj.get("next_page_token"):
restaurants.extend(nearby_search(params=params, next_page_token=resp_obj.get("next_page_token")))
return restaurants
[docs]def place_details(restaurant: Restaurant) -> Restaurant:
"""To get additionals informations of a specifict place (restaurant) you have to do a specific api request
restaurant (schemes.scheme_rest.Restaurant): The Restaurant with the palce_id
schemes.scheme_restRestaurant: The restaurant with all informations filled out if google got some
url: str = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json"
extended_restaurant: Restaurant = None
params = {"key": settings.GOOGLE_API_KEY, "place_id": restaurant.place_id}
response = httpx.get(url, params=params)
logger.debug("Response status: %s", response.status_code)
logger.debug("Request url: %s", response.url)
resp_obj = response.json().get("result")
restaurant.homepage = resp_obj.get("website")
restaurant.maps_url = resp_obj.get("url")
restaurant.phone_number = resp_obj.get("international_phone_number")
restaurant.geometry.location.adr = resp_obj.get("formatted_address")
extended_restaurant = restaurant
return extended_restaurant
[docs]def geocode(address: str) -> List[dict]:
"""This does geocoding (get information based on Streed addres / zipcode / plus code).
address (str): The street address or plus code that you want to geocode. Specify addresses in accordance with
the format used by the national postal service of the country concerned.
Additional address elements such as business names and unit, suite or floor numbers should be avoided.
schemes.exceptions.GoogleApiException: Raises if no result found for the query
List[dict]: Refer to the See Also
url: str = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json"
address = address.replace(" ", "%20")
params = {"key": settings.GOOGLE_API_KEY, "address": address}
response = httpx.get(url, params=params)
logger.debug("Response status: %s", response.status_code)
logger.debug("Request url: %s", response.url)
resp_obj = response.json().get("results")
if len(resp_obj) == 0:
raise GoogleApiException(f"No geocode result for query {address}")
return resp_obj