Source code for tools.config

"""Here you can setup and find all needed configurations"""
import os
from pathlib import Path

from dotenv import load_dotenv

ENV_PATH = Path("./.env")

[docs]class Setting: """ Contains all Settings - Loads from the os env Warning: Do not create your own instance! Import settings instead from this module! Note: Do not modifie SQL_LITE by yourself Attributes: GOOGLE_API_KEY (str): Google API Key SECRET_KEY (str): Key that is used for the JWT hashing ALGORITHM (str): Used hash algorit. Defaults to HS256 ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES (int): How long JWT - Token is valid in Minutes. Defaults to 30 SQL_LITE (bool): Automatic set to True if POSTGRES_SERVER is set POSTGRES_USER (str): User for the DB POSTGRES_PASSWORD (str): Password for the user POSTGRES_SERVER (str): FQDN or IP of the DB Server POSTGRES_DATABASE (str): Name of the Database POSTGRES_PORT (str): Port of the Server """ GOOGLE_API_KEY: str = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_KEY") SECRET_KEY: str = os.getenv("SECRET_KEY") ALGORITHM: str = "HS256" ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES: int = 30 if os.getenv("POSTGRES_SERVER"): SQL_LITE: bool = False POSTGRES_USER: str = os.getenv("POSTGRES_USER") POSTGRES_PASSWORD: str = os.getenv("POSTGRES_PASSWORD") POSTGRES_SERVER: str = os.getenv("POSTGRES_SERVER") POSTGRES_DATABASE: str = os.getenv("POSTGRES_DATABASE") POSTGRES_PORT: str = os.getenv("POSTGRES_PORT") else: SQL_LITE: bool = True
settings = Setting() """Import this to gain the initial settings"""