Source code for schemes.scheme_rest
""" Contains all classes for the restaurant search """
import datetime
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel
from . import scheme_user
[docs]class LocationBase(BaseModel):
contain only coordinates
lat (str): Latitude
lng (str): Longitude
lat: str
lng: str
[docs]class LocationRest(LocationBase):
Store further information about the location of the restaurant
adr (str): Address of the Restaurant. Defaults to None
adr: str = None
[docs]class Geometry(BaseModel):
Needed for better automation converting from the google api
location (schemes.scheme_rest.LocationRest)
location: LocationRest
[docs]class RestaurantBase(BaseModel):
Scheme that is only needed for the DB
place_id (str): ID from Google
name (str): Name of the Restaurant
place_id: str
name: str
[docs]class RestaurantCreate(RestaurantBase):
Scheme that is only needed for the DB
name (str): Name of the Restaurant
name: str
class Config:
orm_mode = True
[docs]class Restaurant(RestaurantBase):
Class that got return to the website
name (str): Name of the Restaurant
geometry (Geometry): Postion of the Restaurant
maps_url (str): google maps url of the restaurant. Defaults to None.
rating (float): google rating. Defaults. to None
own_rating (float): User rating. Defgaults to None.
phone_number (str): Phonenumber of the restaurant. Defgaults to None.
homepage (str): Url of the homepage. Defgaults to None.
name: str
geometry: Geometry
maps_url: str = None
rating: float = None
own_rating: float = None
phone_number: str = None
homepage: str = None
[docs]class RestBewertungBase(BaseModel):
BaseClass for the Bewertung
name (str): Name of the restaurant
comment (Optional[str]): comment from the user. Defaults to "".
rating (Optional[float]): Rating of the user. Defaults to 0.
name: str
comment: Optional[str] = ""
rating: Optional[float] = 0
[docs]class RestBewertungCreate(RestBewertungBase):
Class to create a new Bewertung in the DB
person (scheme_user.UserBase): Owner of the assessment.
restaurant (RestaurantBase): The restaurant.
person: scheme_user.UserBase
restaurant: RestaurantBase
[docs]class RestBewertungReturn(RestBewertungBase):
Class to return to the frontend
email (str): Email of the User
place_id (str): PlaceID of the Restaurant
timestamp (datetime.datetime): Last Update of the assessment
email: str
place_id: str
timestamp: datetime.datetime
class Config:
orm_mode = True