Source code for schemes.exceptions

"""Contains all own created Exceptions"""
from http.client import HTTPException

from fastapi import status

[docs]class NoResultsException(Exception): """Exception if the Search got no results"""
[docs]class GoogleApiException(NoResultsException): """Exception if some Error from the Google API request are made"""
[docs]class NoneExcistingLocationException(GoogleApiException): """Exception if no result found with these zip code"""
[docs]class DatabaseException(Exception): """Exception for all Database Query"""
[docs]class UserNotFound(DatabaseException): """Exception of a DB Query if the User does not exist""" def __init__(self, error_msg: str, user: str) -> None: super().__init__(error_msg) self.user = user
[docs]class RestaurantNotFound(DatabaseException): """Exception of a DB Query if the User does not exist""" def __init__(self, error_msg: str, place_id: str) -> None: super().__init__(error_msg) self.place_id = place_id
[docs]class DuplicateEntry(DatabaseException): """Exception if you add a duplicate entry"""
[docs]class RecipeNotFound(NoResultsException): """Exception if no recipe found in the Database"""
[docs]class NotAuthorizedException(HTTPException): """Exception if you are not authorized""" def __init__( self, error_msg: str, status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, headers: dict = {"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"} ): self.error_msg = error_msg self.status_code = status_code self.headers = headers